The Voice. It's OK to say NO!
The woke left want to vandalise our Constitution and weaken our democracy with their ‘Indigenous Voice to Parliament’.
The Prime Minister is pushing a vague and untested concept being embedded into our Constitution forever.
The concept of the 'Voice' is plagued with extreme risk and uncertainty and is a TROJAN HORSE being ushered into our democracy.
But you can fight back by signing this petition to say NO to Albo’s racially divisive ‘Voice’.
The more people who sign, the more firepower we have to speak the truth in Canberra.
With your help, I can prove that together we are the majority… and I can prove that patriotic Australians like you are not a fringe element that can be ignored or dismissed.
This is the pushback I want you to be a part of.
Remember: It's OK to say NO!
We have too much to lose.
Thank you for signing this petition today!
To Prime Minister Anthony Albanese:
I am a proud Australian who believes in our democracy and Constitution.
But as a proud Australian I do not believe in the Albanese government’s ‘Indigenous Voice to Parliament’.
I do not want a new race-based parliament that will hold my democratically elected local representatives to ransom.
I do not want identity politics enshrined into our Constitution.
I do not want our elected indigenous voices who are already in Parliament (like Senator Jacinta Price) to be ignored.
I do not want to support a policy the extreme consequences of which remain unknown.
I do not know who will be on the ‘Indigenous Voice’ or who will even be eligible.
I do not know who determines who sits on the ‘Indigenous Voice’.
I do not know how much power this race-based parliamentary body will hold.
All I really know from you is, “It would be a very brave government" to ignore a recommendation from this body.
Therefore I will be saying NO to the ‘Indigenous Voice’ and it’s why I will be telling my family and friends to say NO as well.
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