Stop Vaccine Discrimination
URGENT: You can make a stand against vaccine discrimination today
Sign the Freedom Pledge today to stand up for your right to choose!
You deserve the freedom to choose your own medical treatment and your own way of life.
Sign the Freedom Pledge below to say you want the bureaucratic class to stop their authoritarian creep and to stop coercing people by weaponising the power of fear.
Add your name to this pledge with your fellow Australians who are standing against this overreach from Government.
Sign to say you want people to keep their jobs.
Sign to say you want small business to stay open.
Sign to say you are pro-freedom.
Thank you for your support today!
Alex Antic
Liberal Senator for South Australia
My Freedom Pledge
Yes Alex, I am standing with you for the freedom to choose.
Australians should be free from mandatory vaccination.
Those who make their own decisions about their own health care must not be demonised.
Australians deserve the freedom to choose.
To choose our own medical treatment.
To choose our own way of life.
I say the bureaucratic class needs to stop their authoritarian creep and to back out.
I am pro-freedom for each and every Australian.
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